Much Anticipated Federal Skilled Worker Program set to Resume in July 2022

After being on hiatus since December 2020 due to the Pandemic, the long-awaited Federal Skilled Worker Program is set to resume on July 6, 2022. We do not have the updated details as yet but wanted to alert those who are interested in applying for this much-anticipated stream of immigration to Canada.  The FSW program is a part of Canada’s express entry system that enables potential candidates to submit their relevant qualifications in the hopes that their score allows them to receive an invitation to apply to immigrate to Canada.

In April 2022, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship of Canada Sean Fraser announced that “due to the labour shortages Canada is experiencing, the FSW and CEC programs would be resuming in July. Canada has a strong demand for skilled workers so new measures will be introduced on July 6 that will provide more details on the programs that are going to help attract and retain foreign talents.

A big thing to note is that there will be a difference between the FSW and CEC draws in that there will be an ability to select candidates based on specific categories or groupings and not CRS scores alone as previously done. This means that candidates could be selected based on their work experience, language, education or other factors i.e. there could be a draw for certain tech or healthcare occupations as opposed to solely by CRS score levels.

Minister Fraser has also committed to processing these applications within a six-month timeframe.

Stay tuned to our Website and social media pages (Facebook/IG/Twitter and TikTok) for more information once the new updates are officially released.

If you would like to schedule a consultation with one of our Consultants, please email us or send us a message on WhatsApp to book accordingly.

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